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Most Common Asphalt Pavement Problems and Repairs


Maintaining an asphalt pavement is critical to its longevity and durability. Despite regular maintenance and care, asphalt pavements are susceptible to several types of damages that require repair. Addressing asphalt pavement problems at the earliest stage can help prevent costly and severe repairs down the road. Here, we will discuss the ten most common asphalt pavement problems and their associated repairs.

1. Block Cracking

Block cracking is one of the most common types of pavement damage and usually appears as interconnected rectangular breaks in the surface. This type of damage typically occurs after prolonged exposure to environmental factors such as weather and traffic. Block cracking repair involves filling any cracks with a sealant or asphalt binder to prevent water penetration, followed by resurfacing the pavement.

2. Alligator Cracking

Alligator cracking resembles the scaly skin of an alligator, hence its name. This type of damage is a pattern of cracks in the surface that forms a series of interlocking blocks. Typically, this type of cracking stems from poor drainage or a weak subgrade. The repair process for alligator cracking is similar to block cracking, but it is more intensive. The area must be inspected for water and subgrade issues, removed to stabilize the subgrade, and refilled with the appropriate materials before the new overlay is placed.

3. Edge Cracking

Edge cracking occurs on the sides of the pavement and often happens due to inadequate structural support or poor drainage. The repair process involves removing any broken or damaged parts of the pavement, rebuilding the base layer, and revamping the asphalt.

4. Transverse Cracking

Transverse cracking runs perpendicular to the pavement alignment. It usually occurs due to improper construction, temperature fluctuations from hot to cold and underlying base failures. The repair process for transverse cracking is to remove and replace the pavement’s affected areas. It is common to adjust the thickness of the new surface to prevent a repeat of these issues.

5. Longitudinal Cracking

Longitudinal cracking runs parallel to the pavement’s centerline and can happen for the same reasons as transverse cracking. The difference is that the repair of longitudinal cracking usually involves filling and sealing the cracks and sealing the pavement with an overlay.

6. Joint Reflection Cracking

Joint reflection cracking occurs at the point where the new asphalt meets old concrete or pavement. The repair process involves a high-density milling machine removing the affected area, preparing the subgrade and refilling with the appropriate materials.

7. Pavement Fatigue

Pavement fatigue is a sign of age and is the wearing out of the asphalt binder caused by various stresses over a long time. This type of damage may be challenging to detect, so it is advisable to have a preventative maintenance plan in place. Sealing and regularly striping or restriping your pavement can, in some cases, slow the aging process. However, once pavement fatigue is present, removing and patching the affected areas is needed.

8. Poor Drainage

Poor drainage is a common problem, and if not adequately addressed, rainwater can damage pavements and subgrade material. The repair process usually involves installing either french drains or a new stormwater management system.

9. Slippage Cracking

Slippage cracking is likely to occur in high traffic areas where there is heavy braking or accelerating pressure. This type of damage resembles crescent-shaped gouges, and the repair process involves removing and replacing the affected areas and installing a higher friction asphalt mixture designed to limit future slippage.

10. Rutting

Rutting is a depression or groove worn into the pavement caused by traffic. It occurs mainly when traffic continuously exerts pressure in the same spot. The repair process for rutting is the milled rehabilitation of up to the full depth of the pavement. This helps restore the surface’s strength and also serves as a preventive measure.

Asphalt pavements are durable and reliable, but they are not indestructible. Regular maintenance, care and early repair of damages can help prolong a pavement’s lifespan and prevent costly repairs in the future. Weaver Construction has a skilled team that can fix any asphalt paving issues you may have. We ensure the repair process is done efficiently, effectively and with the latest technology and equipment. Contact us today to learn more about our asphalt pavement repair and maintenance services.